November 3, 2008

Not just for the track or trail...

On Wednesday the 22nd of October, I woke up to severe stomach pain. I'd never been in so much pain that I shook or begged for an ambulance before, but I did and it turns out this would be a day of many firsts for me. Many of them I hope never to repeat in my life.

After an hour or so in ER and after several tests, it was determined that I was suffering from acute pancreaititis.

I would spend the next seven days in the hospital tied to IV's and pain medication. When I was finally released, and free of the constant blood tests and examinations, I was stoked. I had to continue my low fat diet and stick with soft foods for awhile, but at least I was home.

On day three of being home, my wonderful wife bought me a veggie sandwich. I ate it and I tried to eat it slow, but I ended up destroying it in record time. I felt great, but I failed to increase my water intake to compensate for the solid food. Five hours later, I was back in the hospital. I was dizzy, light headed, my pulse was racing, and my mouth was dry. I didn't know what was going on, but I knew if anything changed in my health, I was supposed to go back to the ER.

Once back at the ER, the doctors quickly determined my problem. Too much solid food with out enough fluids. Back on the IV.

Two (2) liters of fluids later, everything had returned to normal. Heart rate, blood pressure, and O2 were back to healthy levels.

My doctor released me with orders to stay hydrated. Keep the water going and use an electrolyte drink to help get back on the road. I asked him if I could use Motor Tabs instead of the other electrolyte drinks and, after looking at the package of Motor Tabs, said he uses the same product (the doctor is a triathlete and uses Motor Tabs) and said this would be perfect!

I started drinking my Motor Tabs, just one tab a day, on Saturday. It's Monday now and I honestly feel so much better. Motor Tabs helped me stay hydrated which helped my body to recover which means I'll soon be able to return to work and I'll be back on the bike much sooner!

Thank you Motor Tabs. Not just for the track or trail!

1 comment:

  1. way to go kid, nice of you to catch on. Those in the know know Tabs is the show.
